About Me
As someone growing up in a suburb, video games and my PS2 were a vital source of escapism and since gradeschool, ive always known I wanted to be game dev for the explicit purpose of bringing that simple joy of games to others who need it, regardless of age
With a supportive musician father, I learned as many tools as I could but also self-taught bass, acoustic guitar, and synthesizer work so I could develop my specialty in sound work and become an asset to any future teams I join

Lead Audio Designer, Monolithic FowlMachinations (2020)
Lead Audio Designer, Hollow Reef Rattskum (2019)
Lead Audio Designer, Arachnotron, WrongWarp (2019)
UI/UX VR Designer, Empathy VR Emergent MC, (2018)
Design Instructor, iD tech Camps (Fort Worth,Texas), 2017
Sound Design/Effect editing
Field Recording
Gameplay Design
Agile Development
Visual Documentation
Content Design
QA testing